Work With Me

Are you are a strong, smart woman who’s worked hard and done very well for yourself?

Has life thrown you a personal wallop that’s taken you sideways?

Then by all means, read on, and let’s take a closer peek:

Which of these typical stress reactions, habits or traps sound like you & your “situation”?

  • Hijacked – You feel like it’s taken over your life, leaving you with little control or options.
  • Distracted – You latch on to just about anything to avoid dealing with your situation or feelings.
  • Frantic – You dive into problem-solving mode and damage control to get things done.
  • Indecisive – You’re afraid any decision you make right now might turn into a complete disaster.
  • Frustrated – You feel like work is suffering and the fun and joy are getting sucked right out of your life.
  • Stuck – You feel like you’re running in quick sand, getting pulled in so deep there’s no way out.
  • Lost – You feel adrift and wonder who you are anymore.
  • Exhausted – You are wiped out and sleep deprived from the constant worry and mental chatter.
  • Lone wolf-ish – You prefer to suffer in silence (stay stoic) rather than ask for help.
  • Private – You don’t let people know what’s really going on in your life.
If you’re anything like me, you probably checked off a LOT of the reactions above. So you’re not alone – I totally get it!

The question is, are you finally ready to get your life back on track?

And are you ready for a fresh perspective from somebody who’s been there, done that?

If you are, you’re in exactly the right place! Now two more important questions for you:

New to coaching or wondering what you can expect from our working together?

Wondering what makes me the right coach for you (when there are a million other coaches out there)?

Well, here are my answers to those questions. For one thing, while working with me, you can always expect:

  • To be treated with confidentiality and non-judgment.
  • A sense of sweet relief and new hope.
  • “Cheerleader” level support and partnership.
  • A safe place to vent, sit back and assess your situation.
  • Big “light-bulb moments” of clarity and insight.
  • To get to the crux of your issues and problems quickly.
  • A clear choice of solutions and actions you feel good about.
  • Personalized tools, resources and strategies.
  • 20 years of corporate and executive life experience.

As we work together, you will also learn how to:

  • Stop living in your head and listen to your heart.
  • Believe in your own inner wisdom, not just “the facts.”
  • Manage your emotions… unlock and sit with them.
  • Let go of things that aren’t helping you.
  • Be intentionally mindful and present.
  • Redefine your identity with new clarity.
  • Embrace yourself with more care and compassion.
  • Master your energy (the good AND the bad).

…And so much more!

Ready now to take steps to get your life back on track?

Then, take a peek at our 3 powerful stress-busting programs! Simply select the specific program that interests you or familiarize yourself with each one by scrolling down the page.

Back on Track GPS

Personal Chaos Assessment & Solutions

Roadmap to Victory

Private Coaching Programs

Self-Guided TLC

Personal Development Programs


Chaos to calm. Inner peace. Life-changing clarity & direction. Transformed energy. Are you suffering from stress overload? Take our quiz and find out!