
Chaos to calm. Inner peace. Life-changing clarity & direction. Transformed energy.
Are you suffering from stress overload? Take our quiz and find out!

Our reaction to life’s adversities is different for each of us… If you’re dealing with a difficult or painful personal challenge or transition, how you choose to deal with it (and yes, you have a choice) can be the difference between staying stuck or getting your life back on track.

· Are you dealing with a death or loss? · Relationship upheaval? · Financial crisis? · Major health distress? · Lifestyle shift? · Challenges nobody “gets”?

Perhaps you’ve been…

…in a state of shock or blindsided… overwhelmed with no clue what to do… or fed up wishing everything was fixed and done with?
Wherever you are, let’s work through this together – confidentially – one step at a time so you can finally breathe.

…frustrated thinking you’ve got things ‘handled’ and ‘dealt with’, only to realize that the same old issues or patterns keep coming up over and over again?
Ahh, you’re almost there! We’ll get to the root of what’s “left” that keeps popping back up (and why) – so we can transform your challenges to personal victories.

…living a double life that is sucking everything out of you? Pretending everything is okay? Afraid that if you stop ‘keeping going’, your life will implode?
So many of us feel that way…. It’s time to gently work through your situation in a healthy way, with more ease and calm than you might imagine is possible!

Leslie Lockhart - The Back on Track Coach
Leslie Lockhart - The Back on Track Coach
…defeated and completely exhausted from the constant damage control and struggling needed to get through each day?
It doesn’t have to – and shouldn’t – be this way.

Imagine having a safe place to vent, to reassess, and make the best choices about how to move forward and get your life back on track. Finally.

I’ve been there. And I know how it feels. Let’s carve out your personal path to victory together. This difficult time doesn’t have to hijack your professional success or suck the joy and peace out of your personal life. It’s time to step back into all your leadership roles with grace, confidence and a true sense of yourself!

Work With Me

Back on Track GPS

Personal Chaos Assessment & Solutions

Looking for a fast, transformative experience to get you through the stress and mess of a difficult circumstance? This insightful analysis provides a quick assessment of who you are and how you show up in the world, then helps you navigate through the confusion as you drop your stress level, amp up your resiliency and skyrocket your productivity!

Roadmap to Victory

Private Coaching Programs

Eager to map out a personal action plan that’s strategically tailored to your individual challenge, crisis or transition? Then step off that tightrope, roll up your sleeves and sort through the chaos, uncertainty and overwhelm with practical, unwavering support and accountability every step of the way!

Self-Guided TLC

Personal Development Programs

Curious to understand your energy, attitudes or perspectives? Become more intentional and self-aware. Follow customized strategies that strengthen yourself and others to overcome challenges and unlock personal potential. You’re happy working independently knowing you can expect as much – or as little – guided support and accountability as you wish.



I can say with conviction that Leslie is super supportive, and tunes in to what people need.

Susan Bernstein
San Francisco, USA

The BIG successes I’ve gained with Leslie as my Coach is getting out of my head and being more present, practicing less judging (mostly of myself), identifying my values and need for self-care. I’ve got this whole new level of self-confidence!

Alison L.
Dentist, London, UK

I am thankful for the help Leslie gave me as a coach, it got me off to a good start for a new direction in my life.

Ciann S.
Manitoulin Island, Canada

Leslie’s coaching recharged my batteries and made me realize I can't always be focused on the "to do" list. I need to book daily time with myself just to putter on something creative. Thank you for doing that!

Cathy Malcolmson
Retired, Toronto, Canada

I went into Leslie’s retreat with no expectations and was surprised how easy it was to be open and actually get in touch with thoughts, perceptions and values I would not think of in such an elaborate way. The activities flowed beautifully and all tied together in a powerful way. All the special touches helped me look at myself through my own eyes more beautifully!

Carolina Lagana
Montreal, Canada

Grateful for great coaching. I feel myself again.....Leslie reminded me of who I was. I somehow had forgotten or got detached from my core. I am very grateful to feel this way....

CEO, Toronto, Canada

I am just so grateful to Leslie and the work we did together. I have really grown in ways I wasn’t aware that I needed to and all in ways that will help me flourish. The awareness to put myself first and take steps towards better self-care in many areas of my life is the bonus that I received, and believe will keep with me. Leslie has given me more effective skills and tools to help me move forward and I am deeply appreciative – sincerely and from the bottom of my heart – to Leslie for sharing her gift of coaching with me.

Sharon Duquette
Boston, USA

Leslie is great to work with! Thanks to her, I’m getting myself back on track. I now know where that is and how to find it!

Taylor R.
Nova Scotia, Canada

Leslie walked me through the largest transformation of my life. I looked forward to our coaching sessions every Tuesday morning. I am tremendously grateful.

Jock J. Davis
New York, USA


Chaos to calm. Inner peace. Life-changing clarity & direction. Transformed energy. Are you suffering from stress overload? Take our quiz and find out!