Who doesn’t LOVE Fall and its majestic display of vibrant colours?!
It’s nature’s grandest finale – and last hurrah – before winter.
Other signs that Fall is definitely afoot, is this stellar lineup!
- Socks, sweaters & snuggle weather
- Hearty foods & soups
- Apple & pumpkin picking
- Halloween parties & “left over” candies
- Football & hockey season!
- Thanksgiving with family & friends
“Autumn, the year’s last, loveliest smile.”
William Cullen Bryant
I LOVE Fall, but I know many who do NOT.
For some, “autumn anxiety” – a real thing, btw! – leaves them feeling resigned, anxious, even sad.
For others, it’s anticipating the notorious frenzy that the last three months of the year might present.
For most of us, Fall flips the switch: From slow-paced summer days, straight into back-to-school routines, work deadlines, and that final sprint to complete projects and goals.
What happens when Fall’s back-to-everything mode hits YOU?
…Do you feel overwhelmed?
…Are you motivated to power through, no matter what it takes?
…Do you tell yourself you’ll get through everything… somehow?
You’re not alone bella! I’m hearing these comments from friends and clients alike. And, I certainly relate!
What if you could manage Fall’s back-to-everything energy with more EASE?
What if you mastered the art of The PAUSE?
Nope. Don’t roll your eyes just yet… I get it! You’re BUSY!
Whose got time for that, right?
But bella, there’s POWER in pause!
I promise….
“Sometimes you need to press pause to let everything sink in”.
Sebastian Vettel
POWER OF PAUSE – The What, Why & How
The power of pause can be as simple (and complicated!) as consciously becoming AWARE. It’s taking the time to pause, and be fully engaged in that MOMENT.
The complicated part is our resistance, just when we need it the most!
In her article, The Sacred Pause, Clinical Psychologist, Tara Brach, Ph.D describes it this way:
“What would it be like if, right in the midst of this busyness, we were to consciously take our hands off the controls? What if we were to intentionally stop our mental computations and our rushing around and, for a minute or two, simply pause and notice our inner experience?”
As professional women – running 24/7 – we’ve mastered the art of efficiency and time management.
Stopping for a break feels downright counterproductive – even lazy.
It’s NOT! There’s true value in it.
The power of pause gets us centred, reset and settled… in literally MINUTES!
It ACCELERATES our productivity!
If that isn’t convincing enough, there’s a whack of OTHER benefits, like:
- Stress relief
- Re-balancing our nervous system
- Recharging & re-tuning our energy & mindset
- Increasing our awareness
- Becoming more mindful of conscious choices & intentions
- Clarity with our decisions & priorities
- Improving our concentration
- Being more present
- Discovering the value of inner stillness & silence
NOW can you see the power and possibilities within a pause?
“When we pause, we don’t know what will happen next. But by disrupting our habitual behaviors, we open to the possibility of new and creative ways of responding to our wants and fears.”
Give This Oh-So-Precious Power Pause A Try!
Commit to taking a timeout to pause. It’s a simple a little mindset tweak to consciously take a moment.
You’ll love the benefits so much, you might make it a PRACTICE!
Choosing when and how to pause is really about managing our energy.
“Human beings perform best and are most productive when they alternate between periods of intense focus and intermittent renewal.”
Author & CEO of The Energy Project, Tony Schwartz
Pauses can happen often and at any time.
It’s determining what we can realistically do to quickly rebalance our focus, productivity and wellbeing throughout the day.
Some suggest a 1 – 2 minute timeout every 60, 75 or 90 minutes.
When we’re going through an exceptionally busy time, or are overwhelmed by a difficult challenge, that kind of daily commitment can be a little extreme, and just too much. Yet….
The benefits of pausing are so robust and powerful, these are EXACTLY the times TO take pause.
We all have that choice….
So, at the very least, I recommend DEDICATED time every day to practice pause:
If you like structure, schedule a specific time in your day – ie. Before getting out of bed, at lunch, before leaving the office, etc.
If not, take advantage of “in-between” pockets of time that pop up in your day – ie. Between meetings or calls, during commutes, waiting at the cash, stopped in traffic, etc.
Pauses can happen in many ways and forms.
My two favorite go-to’s are the breath and body pauses.
Both are fast, power-packed, and guaranteed to get you out of your head!
The Breath Pause
A perfect way to take a pause is with the breath. It can be done anytime, anywhere, and often.
All you need for this pause, is a pulse. Nothing else!
Our breath is wherever we are…. So it’s handy, easy-peasy, without any fuss.
This breath pause is my go-to when I’m feeling stressed or fatigued and need to be alert.
The power of the breath pause is how quickly it clears the mind, resets the nervous system, and re-energizes our body.
It only takes one minute to do 3 – 5 long, deep, slow breaths!
What else gets us centred, less stressed and clearer-headed that fast?!
Here’s how I do my breath pause….
Keeping eyes closed, and intentionally pausing at each inhale and exhale using a mental 4-6 second count*:
- Inhale deeply & slowly (to a count of 4)
- Pause & hold your breath (count to 4)
- Exhale long & slowly (to a count of 6)
- Pause & hold your exhale (count to 4)
- Repeat for a total of 3 – 5 complete breaths
(*The 4-6 second count can be changed to whatever feels right for you).
The Body Pause
If you ever catch yourself with clenched teeth, a stiff neck, or your shoulders creeping up to your ears, you’re gonna’ LOVE the body pause!
It’s my go-to pause when I’m feeling stressed and physically tired, and NEED to relax FAST.
The power of this pause is how quickly it clears the mind, releases tension and re-energizes our mental and physical well-being.
I do a body scan. Do try it, if you haven’t already!
You’ll notice physical tension or discomfort you weren’t even aware you had.
You’ll become much more aware of how your body manifests stress.
Where and how your particular aches, pains, and tension show up for you, is precious information!
When you have only a minute or two, here’s a super-quick way to do a body scan:
Be aware of your whole body, sit comfortably, eyes closed, shoulders relaxed, hands on thighs, feet flat on the floor:
- Take a deep, long breath in and out, and continue breathing slowly.
- Starting at your feet and moving up, scan your body for any areas that feel tense, strain, pressure, or tightness.
- Soften, relax or release those areas of tension using your breath (inhaling & exhaling, each to a count of 4).
- After reaching the top of your head, do a final scan down your body, noting any remaining tension.
- When you reach your feet, be aware of your whole body and that you’re seated. Then, open your eyes.
Tailor your body scan to what suits YOU best!
Some like to focus on a single body part, others on major groupings (like feet – legs – stomach – back), and still others leave no part alone (like fingers, toes, and every part of the face from chin to scalp, including jaw, tongue, eyebrows and, well… you get the drift!).
Feeling stressed, tired or run down? A good body pause has all the benefits of a spa treatment, without the time and cost!
It’s a terrific way to get out of our heads, drop stressors and become refocused, refreshed and CALM.
POWER OF PAUSE – If not this Fall, when?
Fall is the perfect time to embrace the power of pause. The benefits will definitely fortify and support you through to year-end.
Better yet, you might make it a life-long habit!
Why not create a Fall Power Pause Ritual for yourself?
Choose a dedicated time and space, then show up!
Mine is a morning ritual – right out of bed – in a favorite corner chair in my office.
There’s so much value in the breath and body pauses, I do BOTH in my morning ritual!
Step 1 – Get settled
Step 2 – Do the Breath pause (instructions above)
Step 3 – Do the Body pause (instructions above)
You don’t HAVE to create a ritual….
It doesn’t matter whether you do a breath pause vs a body pause….
What matters is that you pause.
If you’re looking for that perfect energy boost… One that gets you more centred, focused and empowered…
Mastering the power of pause is your magic bullet!
Discover for yourself, the power of pause this Fall! It crystalizes what’s present, beautiful and important in your life.
Wishing you full moments brimming with gratitude, beauty, humour, and wonder in the coming months, bella….
Struggling with Fall & back-to-everything mode? Anxious about what’s in store for the last quarter of the year? Let’s chat.
Book a FREE Clarity Chat with me on my calendar by clicking this button.
Know you’re stressed? Want to get a handle on it?
It’s smart to be AWARE of your stress symptoms. I created a quick quiz that does just that. Sign up here to get your quiz.
Tell me how YOU take time to pause.
What’s your favorite thing about the Power of Pause? Drop your comments in the space below (and thanks for sharing!).
When things start getting overwhelming, I am now scheduling a day off in between assignments and have started to turn down some work. Last week I did just that. I booked an extra day at a hotel in-between jobs, to sleep in & I scheduled a hair appointment at my “on-the-road” stylist. While I was there, I said “what the heck, I deserve a manicure also”. I’ve also started “sitting” still every day, as much as possible, for 20 minutes. Doing nothing, just sitting with myself and focusing on bringing myself back to the sitting & my breath. Also, I go for walks when I can.
This is spectacular! I love how you’re integrating self-care/”me” time into your very busy schedule! It’s so important for our well-being, right? And wow, “sitting” still” for 20 minutes daily? That’s a practice girlfriend! That’s what happens when we consciously choose to pause for even 1 – 2 minutes. The benefits are so good, we stretch them into longer pauses, like yours!
Thanks for such an inspiring comment!