Well, three weeks into this brand new year and I gotta’ ask…
Are we THERE yet?
Any chance you’re wondering that too?
New lockdown restrictions are happening again, worldwide. In my part of the world, we’re officially under curfew for the next four weeks….
So, it’s perfectly understandable if our “new year” motivation might already be slumping.
And despite overwhelming warning signs last month that more difficult months were ahead, it still stings, now that we’re living it.
Which is why today’s topic is a fitting continuation of a two-part series about silver linings!
If you missed Part 1 of this series, you can read it here. The many pandemic-related silver linings shared by my coaching clients will inspire you!
If ever a beam of light was needed to reach the end of this long, dark tunnel, it’s now….
I mean, who doesn’t want to be happy?
As we sink into a difficult start to this year with the chronic uncertainty, fear, and fatigue so many of us are feeling, who wouldn’t benefit from a big boost in morale and well-being?
Time to champion the resilient power of silver linings!
Because staying optimistic and finding silver linings wherever and whenever we can, helps us create that oh-so-important positive focus needed to persevere and thrive.
And hey, if you’re struggling to stay positive, welcome to the club.
Guaranteed, you’re not the only one.
I know… It’s tough to remain optimistic amidst the persistent uncertainty, changes and transitions of this pandemic.
But here’s the thing…
Every single one of us has the power to control how we choose to show up and navigate through any of life’s difficulties – this pandemic, included.
Which means every single one of us has the power to find the silver lining too.
Finding the silver lining means making lemonade out of lemons.
It means finding even a sliver of optimism when it might feel pointless, maybe even hopeless.
It means reframing “why me?” to “what can this teach me?”
When we apply a hopeful approach to finding silver linings within tough or painful situations, it boosts our morale and helps us thrive.
Try these 2 proven strategies and reap a ton of benefits to your physical health, mental wellbeing, and resilience. Oh, and personal growth, too!
Do MORE of what you already know how to do!
Breathing – by taking pause to follow your breath and getting into the habit of doing a few deep breaths to bring your mental, emotional, and physical systems back into balance.
Setting goals – and restoring, tweaking, or making new ones that are realistic that you feel good about achieving.
Flexibility – by staying open to possibilities and seeing the positive.
Thinking – but noticing the stories you tell yourself and questioning beliefs and thoughts that just might be false or irrational, and get in your way.
Self-talk (that voice we all hear in our heads) – by focusing on the upside instead of ruminating on the negative so that you develop more positive inner dialogues.
Perspective – by evaluating your expectations and needs, and being willing to adjust or compromise to find the positive.
Appreciation or gratitude – breaks negative thinking, energizes our coping ability, and puts things into a more manageable perspective.
Accepting the situation – Letting go of what we think it should be and being okay with what it really is, helps us stay focused on what’s most essential.
Compassion – by considering the words of Dalai Lama: ‘If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion’.
Helping others – and in the process, boosting gratitude and a hopeful outlook.
Having fun (or things to look forward to) – because something meaningful provides hope in the face of pessimism, sadness, or despair.
Staying resilient – by remembering your past successes and acknowledging your ability to navigate difficult times.
Connecting with others – by keeping good company and surrounding yourself with people who inspire and uplift you. Positivity is infectious!
Managing your triggers – by setting limits or boundaries from those things that leave you feeling hopeless and pessimistic (like. watching the news or overdoing social media)
Lifestyle habits – by striving to be healthy and preventing the side effects of stress and persistent negativity such as fatigue, irritability, or physical symptoms. It’s easier to feel positive when we follow a healthy diet and get enough sleep.
Living in the moment – and noticing your thoughts and feelings without judgement.
Relaxing – by taking time to chill, you give your emotional, mental, and physical states the opportunity to rebalance for greater calm and ease.
Keeping control – by focusing your attention on what you CAN control, not what you cannot.
Benefit-finding awareness exercise
A great step-by-step strategy if you’re looking for something a little more hard-core to weed out something positive when you feel stuck or locked in overwhelm and pessimism.
Here’s how:
Step 1: Take a moment and think about an event or situation in the past that was particularly challenging or emotionally difficult.
Step 2: To find the positive things that came from that experience, ask yourself each of these questions:
- “How did that experience change me? What changed for me as a result of that?”
- “What did that experience teach me?”
- “How has that experience better prepared me to face difficult challenges now or in the future?”
- “How has that experience helped me to grow as a person?”
- “What part of that experience am I now grateful for?”
Feel free to use this process as often as you wish. I know it can feel a bit confronting at first, but it will help you to strengthen your positive-thinking muscle.
In these unprecedented times, we all need to find ways to cope.
I can’t wait for you to benefit from the strategies above so that you find your own silver linings with confidence and hope, Bella!
“This too shall pass.”
― William Shakespeare, Hamlet
Struggling to find the silver lining? I can help you restore your optimism and improve your well-being.
Book a FREE Clarity Chat with me on my calendar by clicking this button.
Is your stress level making it impossible to be optimistic about ANYTHING? Want to get a better handle on your stress triggers and avoid the health effects of burnout?
It’s smart to be AWARE of your stress symptoms. I created a quick quiz that does just that. Sign up here to get your quiz.
What are you doing to find your own silver linings?
I’d love to know… What silver linings have you discovered using the above strategies? Leave me your comments in the space below (and thanks for sharing!).