It’s hard to believe the Holiday season is HERE!
And, that there’s just over a month left to complete projects and year-end goals!
Any chance you’re having this deer-in-headlights moment, like I am?
Yep, my holiday mood is seriously AWOL!
But now that I’m aware of my resistant, cranky mood, I can fix that. Ho-ho-ho!
So, let me drag help you get into the holiday spirit too! And if you’re already brimming with holiday spirit, you’re still going to love today’s topic, so read on….
First, you need to be REALLY clear….
Energy is our super power! What’s yours when it comes to this holiday season and year-end?
Are you excited? Engaged? Filled with dread? Overwhelmed? Maybe all of these?
Let’s take a deeper look….
THE 7 TYPICAL MINDSET ENERGIES* (Holiday Season & Year-end)
1. THE DEFEATIST energy: What’s the Point? Mindset
…Ugh, the holidays… I’m never going to get everything done, so why bother? I give up.
…I wish I could just skip the holidays. All I want to do is hide under the covers until they’re over.
…Nothing will make this holiday season better or happy for me.
2. THE GRINCH energy: Grrrr…Screw Everyone! Mindset
…I hate the holidays and can’t wait until they’re DONE!
…I refuse to get sucked into all the holiday hype.
…If *I* don’t get us ready, the holidays simply won’t happen.
3. THE COPER energy: I’ll Get Through This! Mindset
…I’ll make it all happen and get it all done…somehow.
…I’ll do what I can so that it’s at least good enough.
…Traditions are more important to them than me, so I guess I’ll have to roll them out.
4. THE GIVE-GIVE-GIVER energy: Others First Mindset
…I LOVE “doing” for my loved ones and I treasure making the holidays EXTRA special for them.
…To me, the most important thing over the holidays is seeing that everyone is healthy, happy, and safe.
…Volunteering over the holidays gives me such a good feeling!
5. THE CHEERLEADER energy: What’s Possible? Mindset
…Everyone has a part in making this holiday special.
…Whatever we come up with for the holidays this year, it’s going to be GREAT!
…I’m excited about seeing everyone and everything we’ll experience this holiday season.
6. THE JOY RIDER energy: Oooh, What A Delight! Mindset
…I LOVE the holiday season!
…THIS is what the holiday season is all about.
…Whatever happens will be amazing and beautiful.
7. THE SPIRIT-KEEPER energy: Bliss Bubble Mindset
…What stress?
…Holiday season or not, life is always magical.
…WhatEVER…. It’s perfect!
Which of the above mindset energies resonate with YOU?
There’s usually a DOMINANT one.
Guaranteed, whatever it is, it’s recurrent in your life, and not just reserved for the holidays!
And that’s okay.
Three things I know for sure about the holiday mindset energy…
#1. The energy it will take to DO the rest of the year, tends to fall into 3 buckets:
- Stress Energy (The Defeatist & Grinch energy mindsets)
- Coping Energy (The Coper energy mindset), and
- Thriving Energy (The Give-Give-Giver, Cheerleader, Joy Rider and Spirit-Keeper energy mindsets).
#2. We’ll each experience all 7 mindsets above – each with its own characteristic energy. Whichever energy dominates will vary from person to person
#3. Depending on which mindset we’re in, whatever thought we have has 6 OTHER perspectives we COULD consider. Remember, we have 100% control over our thoughts!
Now that you’re clear about the energy you’re CURRENTLY bringing into the holiday season and year-end, let me ask you:
How do you want to “DO” the holiday season this year?
Choosing and deciding how you want to show up in the coming weeks is a critical step.
Yep, this small but mighty step is a BIGGIE! Like life-changing biggie.
So bella, how DO you want to “do” the remaining weeks of this year?
Maybe you want:
- Peace of mind knowing – when you look back – you’ll be proud of how you navigated your way through the remainder of this year.
- Strategies to enjoy the season – or to do the best you can – without being “that” Grinch.
- To change your narrative or perspective about the coming holiday season and not feel that sense of dread or overwhelm or not to simply go through the motions.
- To shift the negative, draining energy you’re bringing into the holiday season for one that’s more uplifting.
- To take responsibility and change what’s stressing you out about the holidays.
- A sense of control and leadership for creating the best holiday and year-end possible.
Once you’re AWARE of your mindset energy going into the holidays, and clear about HOW you want to do them….
Well, guess what??
You can achieve all the above! YOU have the power to produce significantly different results. The choice is ALL yours!
It’s about your attitude and its energy.
Ultimately, it’s about choosing how you want to show up and then harnessing the energy that will get you there.
Minimize the draining, negative stress and coping energies, and get ready to THRIVE instead!
Do This! When you’re in either The Defeatist or Grinch energy mindsets (both stress energies!), shifting to ANY of the other mindsets will feel sooo much better!
That higher energy is more positive, less draining, and your perspective will be inspired!
Research proves that when we manage our energy in that way, our level of happiness and success in life dramatically improves (both personally and professionally).
HERE’S MY INVITATION. Ask Yourself These 3 Questions….
1. What’s my mindset energy around this event, situation, stressor?
2. What mindset energy do I want to bring to this experience instead?
Remember, the choice is yours. You have complete control over your thoughts and attitudes in ANY given moment or situation.
3. What do I need to do to shift into THAT energy? (ie. avoid, change, let go, reframe, accept?)
To illustrate… A personal story – My holiday mindset energy !
When it hit me that the holiday season was HERE with only weeks until the end of the year, I went into FULL GRINCH MODE!
While I was “Grinching” about the reality of time, I also wallowed a little in the DEFEATIST energy and “what’s the point?” mindset.
Deciding I needed to get into some kind of action (a to-do list!), I climbed into the COPER energy (with flashes of serious GRINCH moments, I have to admit!).
Once I re-targeted my priorities and assessed what needed to be done, I shifted into the Give-Give-Giver energy and “others first” mindset. THAT gave me the ‘warm and fuzzies’!
Now that I’m over the shock that the holidays ARE here, I’m back in my usual CHEERLEADER energy today with that “what’s possible?” mindset and even some of those good holiday feels!
When the holidays get into full swing, my intention is to revel in that JOY RIDER /SPIRIT-KEEPER energy because, well, that’s where all the joy and magic happens!
And THAT’S my holiday wish for you too, bella!
Master your mindset energy! Make it your super power. Wrap up your year in whatever way feels perfect for you.
The biggest gift of ALL? Prepare to be AhhhMAZED with how this one tweak will change your LIFE… not just this year’s holiday season!
*Energy leadership concepts adapted from Bruce D. Schneider and Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC)
Struggling with how to DO the holidays and remaining weeks of the year? Let’s chat.
Book a FREE Clarity Chat with me on my calendar by clicking this button.
Know you’re stressed? Want to get a handle on it?
It’s smart to be AWARE of your stress symptoms. I created a quick quiz that does just that. Sign up here to get your quiz.
Want a personalized snapshot of how you’re showing up in each of the 7 core energies? It’s a life-changer! Contact me.
Send me a message with subject line: Back on Track GPS by clicking here.
Learn more about the The Back on Track GPS ™ here.
Need an action plan with concrete tools & strategies to get you (or a loved one) through the holidays and year-end on a happier note? Let’s connect.
2 – 4 private sessions. Just you, me & a practical holiday rescue plan that will carry you through the holidays, and beyond!
Send me a message with subject line: Holiday Rescue Plan by clicking here.
Are you ready to embrace this final sprint of the year?
What mindset energies are you choosing to get you there? Drop your comments in the space below (and thanks for sharing!).