The magic and wonder of the holiday season is here… Are you having fun yet?

Personally, I’m scrambling to be ready, and turning into a frantic version of one of Santa’s elves right about now, but this too shall pass….

Much as I enjoy the glitz and glam of the holidays, I find true magic and excitement during the last few days of December, just before the finale of another year ending.

The reality is that for most of us, the holidays inevitably trigger losses, family dynamics, and stress.

In the aftermath of all that, taking time to CELEBRATE is the perfect way to recharge, regroup and remember who WE are.

What better time to really anchor just how much we’ve grown!

to acknowledge and appreciate ALL the changes we’ve made this year.

…to be aware of what’s important prior to setting goals for the new year.

What better time to celebrate your own unique sparkle!

THAT’s my wish for you, bella… Just how to celebrate YOU!

Ask Yourself These 10 Questions!

  1. What were my biggest wins this year?
  2. What achievements am I most proud of?
  3. What achievements surprised me?
  4. What were my biggest challenges this year?
  5. What challenges did I handle well or overcome?
  6. What steps did I take toward bigger goals this year?
  7. What did I learn about myself this year?
  8. What was the most fun I had this year?
  9. What mistakes helped me learn and grow the most this year?
  10. What are the best lessons I’ve learned this year?

Make this year-end exercise a personal ritual and wrap it in something symbolic.

Maybe it’s throwing a party, an evening out with someone special, a dazzling dress or to-die-for shoes…

Whatever it is, choose something meaningful that applauds you and your beautiful growth this past year.

I love making this choice part of my ritual. I treat myself to something very memorable and special that reminds me to celebrate what I’ve accomplished, whenever I look at it!

I chose this small rose quartz stone many years ago to celebrate forgiveness after a personal betrayal by a loved one. Whenever I look at that stone – symbolic of unconditional love – it reminds me of how I was able to restore trust and harmony in that relationship and reach forgiveness. It took me a year, but I did it!

Happiest of holidays to you and yours.

Let this last month of 2019 – and end of another decade! – be filled with love, compassion and peace.

Most of all, my year-end wish for YOU, bella, is to celebrate the sparkle that is soooo uniquely YOURS!!

Struggling with the holidays and remaining weeks of the year? Maybe it’s been a crap year and you can’t imagine celebrating? Let’s chat.

Book a FREE Clarity Chat with me on my calendar by clicking this button.

Know you’re stressed? Want to get a handle on it?

It’s smart to be AWARE of your stress symptoms. I created a quick quiz that does just that. Sign up here to get your quiz.


Want to find your unique sparkle (or help a loved one find theirs)?  Gift certificates for a variety of private, personal packages available for a limited time!

3 ways to connect with me by clicking HERE.

How do YOU to celebrate your own unique sparkle?

I’d love to hear which of the questions above resonate with you, and/or how you like to celebrate YOU! Drop your comments in the space below (and thanks for sharing!).