Did you know that grit energy has attitude? Even in this COVID19 pandemic?
Well, it does….
It’s got the kind of kick-butt attitude that is the hallmark of a growth mindset. One that profoundly directs how we navigate our way through difficult challenges.
What I love about grit is that it’s not a one-size-fits-all mindset. It has many layers.
Welcome to the last of a 2-part series on grit.
In case you missed that first blog, you can read it here. If you’re at all curious about just how much grit you have, that’s in the blog too.
Today’s focus is a juicy one – the mindset energy of grit!
Each of the 7 indicators of grit (Courage – Tenacity – Resilience – Growth – Focus – Intuition – Adaptability) have their own distinctive energy, but when it comes down to it, grit energy has 3 characteristic mindsets or attitudes.
Let’s dig in!
Fueled by anger, defiance and absolute lack on control, this mindset is characterized by that “I’ll- get-through-this-dammit!…I-can-do-this-working-from-home-finding-ways-to-entertain-the-kids-and-drastic-change-to-my- daily-routine!” thinking.
Net-net? Our world has literally turned upside down and sideways! Why wouldn’t we feel scared and discombobulated?
The good news is that we DO have control by doing our part. If we’re angry and defiant doing it, SO WHAT?
The grit indicators that show up with this kind of conflicted mindset? Focus – Tenacity – Courage. All of these indicators push us to simply power through ANYthing.
So Bella, if you’re judging yourself about how you’re handling this historic time, STOP IT!
It might feel out of character and messy. BUT… you ARE moving forward.
THAT’S positive action and growth. Yay, you!
This mindset is characterized by tolerance and rationalization and that “okay-I can-work-from-home, engage/bribe-the-kids-that-this-is-an-adventure, and make-the-best-of-this-situation” kind of thinking.
Net-net? This mindset energy FEELS better than the conflicted mindset. We look for the silver lining and take responsibility for what we feel and think. Circumstances still feel very personal but we do see that others are trying their best too.
The grit indicators that show up with this kind of coping mindset? Resilience – Adaptability.
So Bella, if you’re coping with how life is unfolding right now, KEEP IT UP! You’re doing GREAT.
If you’re like me, and maybe working hard at times to act “as if” everything were really that silver-lining-ish as you make it out to be, STOP BEING SO HARD ON YOURSELF!
I repeat, you’re doing a GREAT job.
Coping is a good thing. It’s positive action and growth. Yay, you!
This mindset encompasses acceptance, compassion, peace and joy. It’s characterized by that “I’m-so- grateful…how-can-I-help-others…we’re-all-in-this-together” kind of thinking.
Net-net? This mindset energy FEELS so much better than the coping mindset. Here we’re in the present moment and more at ease.
We’re adapting, pivoting, and focused on how we can help others….
For example, when we self-isolate we think in terms of the greater purpose – protecting others while we’re also staying safe – rather than the angst of losing our freedom or feeling “stuck” at home.
We practice gratitude, acceptance and have a positive attitude and hope for the future.
The grit indicators that show up with this kind of mindset? Growth – Intuition.
That wise intuition we all possess, also taps into the bigger purpose.
Here, we’re seeing possibilities… opportunities… a bigger picture that hinges on hope and curiosity about the “new normal” that will emerge.
We find joy and wonder anticipating things like ecological renewal, human kindness and concern for the collective wellbeing, new and innovative work practices.
Maybe this mindset feels like a stretch right now. That’s okay. Just know that every moment you CAN tap into this mindset is a good thing.
The goal is to have more and more of these kind of moments so that it becomes a mindset.
It’s beautiful, positive action and growth. Again, Yay you when you land here, because you will!
So Bella, wondering how you can cultivate that grit energy of yours to navigate what’s still ahead?
These tips can help:
1. Feel what you feel
Accept that it’s NORMAL to feel anxious, sad, mad, frustrated! Understand that it’s not healthy to stuff those negative feelings into a lock box. Let them come up, observe them with curiosity, identify them without judging them. And then, let them go.
2. Create Structure & Routine
For your mental well-being, be sure to establish a structure and purpose to your day. This is essential for kids and adults alike. Create a flexible routine for work, downtime, meals and bedtimes. Plan weekend routines that enrich family time that weren’t always possible “before”.
3. Practice Self-Care
Use this opportunity to develop a self-care routine. This can include anything from sitting outside on your deck, to meditation, to creating art or journaling and so much more.
For ideas and how-to’s, check out my 2-part blog Self-Care the New Non-negotiable. You can read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.
4. Connect, Connect, Connect
Stay connected with others. Deepen your relationships with those home with you! Play games, watch home movies and have those heart-to-hearts.
Social distancing is really physical distancing so for those friends and family you can’t see just yet, pick up the phone or schedule a video call to stay in touch.
5. This Too Shall Pass
Find those silver linings knowing that this too shall pass.
Know that you have the GRIT (Courage – Tenacity – Resilience – Growth attitude – Focus – Intuition – Adaptability) to get through this, stronger and wiser than you might imagine.
“Mindset is everything. Your success begins and ends with mindset. In between it’s grit that carries you through” – LeAura Alderson
Most of all Bella,
keep safe and well because
you are SO important to others (like me) !
Need grit to get through a difficult situation? Want some perspective or clarity? Let’s chat.
Book a FREE Clarity Chat with me on my calendar by clicking this button.
Know you’re stressed? Want to get a better handle on it?
It’s smart to be AWARE of your stress symptoms. I created a quick quiz that does just that. Sign up here to get your quiz.
What about YOU? What’s your grit energy like these days?
I’d love to hear which of the 3 mindsets you identify with most…. Drop them in the space below (and thanks for sharing!).