Did You Know it’s Healthy to Feel All Your Feels, Even the Messy Ones?    – Part 2

Did You Know it’s Healthy to Feel All Your Feels, Even the Messy Ones? – Part 2

Would you be surprised to know that we drag pre-loaded baggage into our difficult feelings? You bet we do!  Let me unpack a few of those pieces… We do whatever we can to avoid or distract ourselves from feeling any of the ‘bad’ feels. We’ve...
Did You Know it’s Healthy to Feel All Your Feels, Even the Messy Ones?    – Part 1

Did You Know it’s Healthy to Feel All Your Feels, Even the Messy Ones? – Part 1

What are you feeling these days? I know. That can be such a loaded question…. But our first Valentine season of pandemic-style love, romance, and all things chocolate, has just passed, so it’s not a big stretch to still be thinking about matters of the heart....
A Difficult Year & the Silver Linings That Will Surprise You – Part 1

A Difficult Year & the Silver Linings That Will Surprise You – Part 1

How many times have you heard – or even muttered to yourself – “I can’t wait for 2020 to be over!”?? I get it. It’s been a year for the history books. And with the second wave of COVID-19 breaking new records, nothing about this holiday season will be normal. I’m...
The * BEST * Pandemic Rx is Curiosity & These 3 Beautiful Tips!

The * BEST * Pandemic Rx is Curiosity & These 3 Beautiful Tips!

About a month ago I resumed my daily meditation practice. Thanks to synchronicity, I was lucky enough to jump into a weekly meditation group led by Joy Kingsborough, a gifted Speaker, Author, Spiritual Mentor and Conscious Channel. In my first guided meditation with...