Visit Leslie’s blog for discussions on getting your life back on track. Leslie’s Personal, Transition & Life Coaching Blog posts will assist you in living your best life!
Did You Know it’s Healthy to Feel All Your Feels, Even the Messy Ones? – Part 2
Would you be surprised to know that we drag pre-loaded baggage into our difficult feelings? You bet we do! Let me unpack a few of those pieces... We do whatever we can to avoid or distract ourselves from feeling any of the ‘bad’ feels. We’ve been...
Did You Know it’s Healthy to Feel All Your Feels, Even the Messy Ones? – Part 1
What are you feeling these days? I know. That can be such a loaded question…. But our first Valentine season of pandemic-style love, romance, and all things chocolate, has just passed, so it’s not a big stretch to still be thinking about matters of the heart....
Part 2 – How to Uncover Your Own Silver Linings
Well, three weeks into this brand new year and I gotta’ ask… Are we THERE yet? Any chance you’re wondering that too? New lockdown restrictions are happening again, worldwide. In my part of the world, we’re officially under curfew for the next four weeks…. So, it’s...
A Difficult Year & the Silver Linings That Will Surprise You – Part 1
How many times have you heard – or even muttered to yourself – “I can’t wait for 2020 to be over!”?? I get it. It’s been a year for the history books. And with the second wave of COVID-19 breaking new records, nothing about this holiday season will be normal. I’m...
Think You Need To Be More Grateful?
Are you full of gratitude these days? If yes, yay YOU! There’s NO question that gratitude helps us stay positive and optimistic, and props us up during difficult times. But what if gratitude is NOT on your radar at all? What if you just want 2020 to be OVER and you’re...
When Did You Last Make a Wish?
Who in your world has celebrated a birthday since the start of this pandemic? Did they have cake, candles, and all that fun stuff? There have been several in my bubble, but my husband’s birthday last week really struck me … As I was preparing his birthday cake I asked...
Think Your Coping is A++ Worthy?
So, I’ve got a loaded question for you… How are you coping these days? Are you aware how sharp your coping skills have become? And WHY? Have you given any thought to just how MUCH coping you do? My guess is probably not, because you’re simply too busy coping,...
The * BEST * Pandemic Rx is Curiosity & These 3 Beautiful Tips!
About a month ago I resumed my daily meditation practice. Thanks to synchronicity, I was lucky enough to jump into a weekly meditation group led by Joy Kingsborough, a gifted Speaker, Author, Spiritual Mentor and Conscious Channel. In my first guided meditation with...
In Need of a Quick Time-Out?
Can we take just a moment? We’re already midway through a version of 2020 that I’m sure isn’t ANYTHING close to what we’d imagined or slapped on our vision boards. So yeah, a minute to catch our breath is well-earned and lonnnnng overdue…. To be honest, I’ve been...
Can You See The Light At Last?
Dear 2020,We had such high hopes for you!Without question – from Covid-19 to Black Lives Matter – we are in a state of flux and change.With sooo much history in the making, you may well be remembered for imposing the biggest pivot of the 21st century.What else is in...
Chaos to calm. Inner peace. Life-changing clarity & direction. Transformed energy. Are you suffering from stress overload? Take our quiz and find out!