How many times have you heard – or even muttered to yourself – “I can’t wait for 2020 to be over!”??
I get it. It’s been a year for the history books.
And with the second wave of COVID-19 breaking new records, nothing about this holiday season will be normal.
I’m not gonna’ lie, when it was recently announced in my area that gatherings over the holidays are prohibited, I was feeling as bleak as the message itself.
2020 has been a year of significant global challenges. One of constant uncertainty, fear, failing economies, social unrest, and the awful toll of extraordinary human losses.
Since March, we’ve been repeatedly tested in unimaginable ways: We’ve had to rework budgets, plans, and goals; pivot our daily lives; and cope with layers of grief and loss like never before.
Another truth? Like it or not, the change and transition that comes from these difficult times, is part of the human experience.
I believe we each have a choice in how we lead ourselves through the changes and transitions we experience.
And, to wrap up this most difficult year, instead of focusing on the hardships, I have been asking myself – and my clients – this one powerful question: “What have been the gifts and lessons of 2020 for you?”
I know…. It’s a BIG ask.
But when we dig deep to find even the smallest nugget of a silver lining, the benefits to our mental wellbeing, resilience, and personal growth are immediate.
For example, when I accepted the reality that holiday gatherings weren’t going to happen for my family, I instantly went into “Plan B mode”.
ANY way I can turn this lockdown into a positive, is a silver lining.
So, Plan B is MY silver lining…. And suffice to say, some drive-bys, outdoor cocktails, and zoom dinner parties will be involved!
It’s reminiscent of a time in my own childhood when we moved to Algeria in North Africa, in December. Since our furniture and possessions had not yet arrived, my Mother adapted a broom into a Christmas tree by drilling holes in the broom handle and filling them with broom bristles & other items. In hindsight, it was a sad little tree, but it carried the magic kids look for, and became a special memory
Are you struggling to see any positive from 2020?
If yes, you’re absolutely NOT alone because it’s not always an easy thing to do.
Hearing how others are faring with this life-changing pandemic often provides a new perspective that can be helpful.
So, in part one of this 2-part blog, I’ve pulled together some pretty inspiring silver linings shared by my coaching clients.
“I can’t think of a better ending to a crap year than the discovery of Covid-19 vaccines that are just starting to roll-out! Even though the benefits won’t be felt for many months to come, we get to see that beam of light at the end of the tunnel shine brighter and brighter in the weeks and months to come.”
“I’ve re-evaluated and reassessed my priorities and reconsidered my goals. It’s now about what’s most important and meaningful to me – both personally and professionally.”
“I’m so happy to see some well-deserved recognition of the unsung heroes who go above and beyond to take care of others. So many essential workers come from traditionally overlooked and/or underfunded services – ie. health care, long-term care homes, schools, the arts, and communities of color and the disadvantaged.”
“I love the sense of compassion, shared vulnerability and kinship with others also experiencing challenges not seen before. We’re not alone in this once-in-a-generation global pandemic.”
“My professional network is more personal now! My boss, work colleagues, suppliers, and clients are getting a surprisingly intimate peek into my home and family life, and me into theirs. Somehow, it puts us all on the same playing field.”
“Focusing on 3 things every day that I’m grateful for has been one of my best go-to coping strategies during 2020. It brings me fully present and highlights details in my life that I tend to take for granted.”
“I have a better work-life balance. It helps my mental health and productivity – free evenings & weekends for myself, family, friends, and more control maintaining a healthy lifestyle.”
“When circumstances feel overwhelming, I make a practice of doing even simple, positive reframes because it helps me wire my brain into more positive thinking patterns. It balances out my negative thoughts and builds up my optimism.”
“I monitor my negative self-talk. I question the beliefs, thoughts, and stories I tell myself, and identify what’s fact and/or truth vs what’s not. It’s made me far more self-aware and productive.”
“I’ve discovered I’m not powerless! My perspective is everything and it’s something I can control and change. No matter how bad the situation is, I always have control over how I choose to show up in that situation – what I respond to, and how I react.”
“I keep my sense of control by managing myself and my triggers, not others. Keeping my expectations realistic and flexible, knowing my boundaries, managing the negative energy that drains me, all have been important coping skills that help me persevere.”
“I’m realizing how much I’ve grown. Honing my ability to find the silver lining in negative circumstances gets top billing. Without question, this pandemic forced me to grow and learn!”
“Embracing my inner resilience gives me courage! This year I’m constantly reminding myself of all the challenges I’ve successfully navigated in my lifetime. I can get through this too.”
“I’m realizing my true grit and ability to adapt to stressful circumstances. Before this pandemic – and how it’s tested me – I wasn’t aware of my own true strength. Hardships have a way of bringing that out. We’re more resilient than we think we are.”
“I have a new appreciation for the people in my life. I’m enjoying more ‘quality time’ in my relationships, both personally and professionally.”
“I’ve discovered novel ways to connect virtually with family, friends and colleagues: Games nights, cocktails, group catch-ups and online classes from art-making to fitness.”
“I’m seeing my kids become more independent as they find creative ways to problem solve, or get along and entertain each other.”
“I’m finding the bright side of being with family 24/7. I’m having fun with the kids and making more time for family activities.”
“I’ve loved enjoying fresh air, being out in nature, and even walking & exploring the neighbourhood.”
“I’m really embracing the freedom of NOT wearing a bra, make-up & high heels!”
Unfortunately, there is no magic pill through the difficulty and challenges this global pandemic has created.
Headlines are already preparing us for more difficult months ahead.
I believe in the resilient power of silver linings. If ever a beam of light was needed to reach the end of a long, dark tunnel, it’s now.
And we’ll continue this topic in January with part two of this 2-part series about silver linings. Yep, it’s that important a topic!
Here’s wishing you many sweet silver linings throughout the holidays and in these last weeks of 2020, bella!
“There’s a crack in everything,
that’s how the light gets in.”
– Leonard Cohen
Struggling to find the silver lining for the holidays? I can help you restore your optimism and improve your well-being.
Book a FREE Clarity Chat with me on my calendar by clicking this button.
Is your stress level making it impossible to be optimistic about ANYTHING? Want to get a better handle on your stress triggers and avoid potential burnout?
It’s smart to be AWARE of your stress symptoms. I created a quick quiz that does just that. Sign up here to get your quiz.
What are you doing to find silver linings from 2020?
I’d love to know… What silver linings have you discovered about 2020 that boosted your optimism and helped you stay positive? Leave me your comments in the space below (and thanks for sharing!).