About a month ago I resumed my daily meditation practice.

Thanks to synchronicity, I was lucky enough to jump into a weekly meditation group led by Joy Kingsborough, a gifted Speaker, Author, Spiritual Mentor and Conscious Channel.

In my first guided meditation with Joy, we were invited to release the need for certainty. Three phrases struck a chord with me:

  • I don’t know….
  • I am open….
  • I am curious….

Giving myself permission to be okay with not knowing, was an unexpected and surprisingly powerful experience.

To be honest, it was immediately freeing!

The visceral weight from my persistent NEED to know, was magically lifted, and replaced by relief and ease.

Consciously declaring “I am open…. I am curious….” during that meditation, literally made me smile. Probably because curiosity is one of my biggest core values.

That meditation experience left me wondering a LOT about curiosity and why it has such a wonderfully calming effect on uncertainty.


Thanks to the Covid19 pandemic, we’ve all been on an emotional roller coaster.

THAT ride still isn’t over!

Globally, there is simply too much we cannot know right now.

  • Summer is coming to a close and we’re told that a second wave of Covid19 is imminent.
  • In some parts of the world an upsurge in new cases is already occurring and governments are tightening restrictions again.
  • We’re weeks away from a back to school season we’ve never before experienced.
  • We continue to grapple with disrupted economies and back to work measures.

So yeah, given the heightened sense of the unknown in our world, MAJOR uncertainty prevails.

This is NOT a time for sissies.


It IS a time for curiosity.

Here’s my spin on that….


Curiosity is NOT the magic pill we wish it could be….

It absolutely won’t eliminate whatever uncertainties lie ahead.

BUT, it’s definitely a healthy coping strategy to effectively manage uncertainty.

When we invite ourselves to be curious in the face of uncertainty, three benefits shine bright:

1. We’re more productive. Curiosity helps us find creative strategies to cope. It keeps our perspective flexible and prompts new ideas for our constantly changing environment.

2. We’re more optimistic. Curiosity transports us to a more hopeful state that is far healthier than the typical unproductive, self-sabotaging mindsets we can all fall prey to:

  • … Defeated thinking or resigning ourselves and staying stuck.
  • … Mentally recycling worries or what-if negative thinking.
  • … Black and white all-or-nothing thinking.

3. We’re less stressed. Curiosity invites us to possibilities – and even if it’s only temporary – distracts our naturally human stress reaction to uncertainty and the unknown.

Net-net: Curiosity soothes uncertainty.


1. Keep an open mind

It’s vital that we see beyond the obvious of our circumstances and explore, learn, be willing to change and accept new possibilities.

2. Ask questions

When we’re feeling scared or worried about what’s going to happen, one of the best ways to use our curiosity is to challenge our existing perspective, and reframe that concern or anxiety into WHAT, WHY, or HOW questions. For example:

  • How true is that really?
  • What are some other possibilities or options that I can consider?
  • Why am I thinking that?
  • What can I focus on that’s positive, even if it’s just for this moment?
  • What would I suggest to a loved one thinking this EXACT thought? (ie. My child or Bff, etc.)

Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will. – James Stephens

So Bella, when nothing feels certain, pull out your curiosity! 

I’ve given you three tips that I know will bring you relief in the face of uncertainty. Try them!

  • Keep an open mind
  • Reframe your thoughts into WHAT, WHY, and HOW questions
  • Repeat the I Don’t Know mantra either in meditation or as an affirmation whenever you need it:
  • I don’t know….
  • I am open….
  • I am curious….

And guess what Bella?

I KNOW you’ll get through these extraordinary times of difficult change and uncertainty.

I know, because YOU are no sissy….

Big love xx

Tired of feeling out of control with so many unknowns? I can help you build your tolerance and capacity to manage all the uncertainty.

Book a FREE Clarity Chat with me on my calendar by clicking this button.

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What role does curiosity play to alleviate the uncertainties you worry about day-to-day?

I’d love to know… What are your thoughts about curiosity as a coping strategy for uncertainty?     Leave me your comments in the space below (and thanks for sharing!).